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Stevie Wonder Forum
This is the fan area. Please fill free to let your message!
elia (27/06/2012 22:27)
hello, does anybody could tell me why the choice of let to sing the first two verses of "you are the sunshine of my life" to two members of the band?
Kate (17/05/2012 18:17)
Hello -- Check out the advance video clip available now on PBS Video, where you can watch one of the performances by Stevie Wonder at the White House from an upcoming PBS music special.

The complete show airs on PBS next Monday, May 21 -- but the video clip available now at the link below is embeddable -- it's the performance of Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "Alfie" by Stevie Wonder, and the presentation of the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song by President Obama.

PBS Video: Stevie Wonder: 'Alfie' | Burt Bacharach and Hal David
(the embed code is available when you roll your cursor over the video player)

Burt Bacharach & Hal David:
The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song
In Performance at the White House
Premieres Monday, May 21 at 9 p.m. ET on PBS
Philx (17/05/2012 09:17)
@Luke, nice sound !
Luke (13/05/2012 16:13) check out my bands 'Superstition' cover!
Simon (09/04/2012 04:9)
Hi Stevie, any new album in preparation?
Kieran O'Doherty (19/02/2012 23:19)
To Sevie Wonder . I would Like to invite you to Diabled Surfing Down in Bunkers Bay South West Australia at 9-00am to 1-00pm 3rd March 2012 Kieran O'Doherty
Wonderous Fan (12/01/2012 00:12)
As a Stevie Wonder fan, I simply could not believe my ears when I heard this young mans rendition of I Never Dreamed ...

Thought s?
lorenzo (09/01/2012 07:9)
Watch my band covering Higher Ground, Isn't she lovely and Sir Duke
Pitt (24/11/2011 12:24)
Please vote for Stevie's songs in Polish All Time Chart on Polish Radio
Set of songs to vote you'll find on:

First of all you have to register, and click on "Top Wszechczasow" button. You can vote for 33 songs, to the end of the year. Results will be announced 1st of January 2012.
tryan123 (30/09/2011 03:30)
Ugh, we need a better forum! : English - Français

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